The year 2021, which has just ended, was, like the previous one, particularly challenging given the situation imposed by the Pandemic. This did not mean, however, a slowdown in the action of the Associação da Rota Histórica das Linhas de Torres (RHLT, Historical Route of the Lines of Torres Vedras), which adapted to the circumstances and continued with actions based on its mission and objectives.
The RHLT is, thus, in the final stage of executing several projects, the result of applications made by the Association, per se or through consortia, which translates into the implementation of more and better means of valorisation, recovery, and dissemination of the heritage of the Lines of Torres Vedras.
Its outcomes will create a set of benefits for all those interested in the subject and who have been investing in this rich, diverse, and wide-ranging project: from the outset, the community integrated in the territory of the RHLT, which has been enthusiastically appropriating the Lines of Torres, their meaning, their inestimable value, and the need to enhance and protect them. They also cover foreign tourists, who progressively come into contact with this region north of Lisbon and discover all the historical and heritage richness associated with this period of Peninsular and European History, either through direct observation of the lines or through access to new technological experiences, such as virtual and augmented reality. And they are also aimed at private entities, increasingly aware of the importance of creating products associated with this project, creatively incorporating the Lines of Torres into their own projects. Finally, the actions to be developed are centred on responses aimed at the educational community, which gains new opportunities to learn and work on the theme of the French Invasions (which is an integral part of their school programs) with more appealing resources.
With persistence and continuous articulation, we will continue to work with all those associated with this project, with more and better incentives and results in favour of the Historical Route of the Lines of Torres Vedras.