Because we can't keep our mouths shut.
JUNHO 2024

4th Episode: Nuno Nobre

With vast experience in the field, Nuno Nobre gives Ana Raquel Machado tips on how to exploit the full potential of gastronomic tourism in the Lines of Torres Vedras region. He emphasises the importance of respecting historical fact and gastronomic tradition, as well as offering different tourist experiences to those who want to do more than simply eat what is put on the table.


3rd Episode: Ana Garcia

"Accessibility starts as soon as I recognise that we are all different," says Ana Garcia, president of Accessible Portugal and one of the people who knows the most about accessible tourism issues in the country. In this third episode of InvadeCAST, she helps us understand how we can help break down barriers (literally) and change the way we see tourism for everyone.


2nd Episode: Teresa Ferreira

Why "Napoleonic Itineraries" and not just "French Invasions"? Is Portugal a military tourism destination par excellence, or is military tourism one of the excellences of tourism in Portugal? Have technology and interactivity become indispensable to a complete tourist experience? In this second episode of InvadeCAST, Ana Raquel Machado talks to Teresa Ferreira, director of Turismo de Portugal's Department for Boosting Supply and Resources, who has been pondering these and other questions for a long time.


1st Episode: Raul Almeida

Ana Raquel Machado conspires with Raul Almeida, newcomer at the helm of Turismo do Centro de Portugal, to invade the region of the Lines of Torres Vedras as a tourist destination.

Because we can't
stop looking.
Because we can't
sit still.
Because we can't
keep our mouths shut.
Because we can't
take our eyes off the screen.
Because we can't
do everything at once.