InvadeMAG offers you an archive of all previous issues of its printed editions. In addition to the full contents of the paper versions, the online editions provide aditional resources, such as photographs, videos and other functionalities that can only be made available in digital format. Select an edition and happy reading!
Given the periodic nature of a magazine like Invade - and because, as the poet said, 'the whole world is made up of change, always taking on new qualities' - it is possible, even likely, that some of the information presented in these archive pages will appear outdated or incorrect. In addition to the normal changes over a few years of publication, many companies and institutions have seen their status altered by the pandemic situation.
Respecting the integrity of the magazine and its contributors, we have chosen to remove only data that could mislead visitors - for example, information about offers no longer available. Anything else should be read with natural reserve in these circumstances.
Thank you for being with us on this project. Happy reading!