António Felgueiras
Board Secretary of the Historical Route of the Lines of Torres Vedras

The Lines of Torres Vedras, in this time of pandemic, bring about new reasons to explore the vast array of works that we can and should visit, under the motto “More than 152 Strong Motives”.

This is a project shared by six municipalities that are, in a time of new battles, committed to preserving, disseminating, and valuing such an important historical heritage associated with the Peninsular War, not only with those who live in this territory, but also with those who visit us.

Although the battles we faced in the past were different from those of today, the ability, resilience and determination of our people is equal to that of the people of the 1800s. 
Badly compared, it can be said that the hope felt after the construction of these defensive lines, devised to stop the invader's progression, can be carried over to the process of mass vaccination, currently underway, to fight a faceless and merciless enemy.

It is in the most difficult moments that we more clearly understand the values ​​of unity, sharing and family, so these are the “Strong Reasons” for us to unite, share, and meet again, in a safe journey to the strongholds and trails that await us all. 
I address a word of gratitude to all local entrepreneurs and operators who have not given up and maintain their activities in partnership with our Route.

For me, this is the best way to celebrate and pay tribute to our ancestors, but also to underline the belief in a better future, with a message of tenacity, strength, and peace.