DECEMBER 2024 - JUNE 2025

Lines of Torres Vedras: a decade of recognition

In this year's celebration of the National Day of the Lines of Torres Vedras, one day was worth two

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Territories have a peculiar relationship with time. For a country like Portugal, ‘two hundred years ago’ was yesterday. For some more recent nations, it was perhaps the beginning of their histories. We are well aware that our perception of time depends on what we do with it: ten years is just an instant if it's used well. Perhaps that's why we find it hard to believe that a decade has passed since the Portuguese Parliament elevated the Lines of Torres Vedras to the category of National Monument.

With every celebration of this date, we feel that it was worth it. Not only has the region — which brings together a varied and multifaceted group of municipalities in a common cause — unhesitatingly taken on the historical, cultural and heritage legacy of its important role in the Napoleonic Wars, but the positive effects of its actions on local culture, tourism and the economy are becoming increasingly apparent.

On 20 October 2024, we celebrated the tenth anniversary of the elevation of the Lines of Torres Vedras to National Monument status.

The ceremony, which took place at the Sobral de Monte Agraço Cineteatre and was presented by actor Paulo Pinto, opened with a speech by the president of RHLT, José Alberto Quintino. ‘O Forte’, a graphic novel created for the occasion by José Bandeira, was presented by the author. This was followed by the awarding of the 2024 Wellington Honour distinctions. Three other awards were also presented: a Bicentenary of the Lines of Torres Vedras Commemorative Coin to the Friends of the Lines of Torres Vedras, and Honorary Membership diplomas to the Associação Cultural e Recreativa 13 de Setembro de 1913 and the Associação para a Memória da Batalha do Vimeiro. Finally, and on the subject of the Eating with the Generals gastronomic initiative, consultant Nuno Nobre presented Ten Key Actions for Hotel and Tourism Schools.

This was followed by a Toast of Honour and an autograph session by José Bandeira.

That was our tenth anniversary. You'll soon realise that the eleventh is knocking on our door. 

A much-needed re-enactment

Couldn't attend the Sobral Combat? We'll tell you how it all happened

In the early evening of Saturday 19 October 2024, unusual movements were taking place in the town square of Sobral de Monte Agraço. On one side, supported by artillery and a large number of precariously armed peasants, the Anglo-Portuguese army took up position. On the other, French troops shouted ‘Vive l'Empereur’ and enthusiastically loaded their muskets. From a high window in the town centre, a brave peasant woman recounted the events on the microphone.

On one side of the square, the crowd held their breath and armed themselves with their smartphones, preparing to relive one of the most remarkable episodes in the defence of the Lines. The first stirrings of excitement came when fearless locals captured an enemy soldier, who was promptly remanded for further questioning. Then, illuminated by a full moon that had undoubtedly been hired for the purpose, the fighting began. 
Excited by each cannon shot and the discharge of muskets, the audience watched every martial move intently. This was followed by hand-to-hand combat, a duel between the two gallant commanders of the opposing forces and an assault on the town hall. The French entry on the seat of local power culminated in the infamous raising of a tricolour flag, with the population watching in amazement as many papers and... furniture were defenestrated, because in Sobral de Monte Agraço historical re-enactments are taken very seriously.

See all photographs here.